Layout Controls

A Layout control is a type of control that you use to organize, show, or hide controls on a form The most commonly used Layout control is the Section control. Every control that is placed inside a Section in the online form designer becomes a child control of that Section. You can also nest Sections, meaning that you can place a Section inside of a Section.

There are two kinds of section controls: the Section and Embedded Section. Both section types are used to gather various controls on a Form into one group, making it easier to set properties common throughout the group. The Section is visible to the user, and is collapsible and expandable. The Embedded Section isn't visible to the user.

All section controls automatically include HTML anchors using the syntax:

<a name="SectionName"></a>

The anchor has the same name as that of the Section control.  Form designers can give their users the ability to scroll down to any section by providing a link (using the Hotlink control) with the URL:


Simply replace "SectionName" with the actual name of the Section control. You may find the ability to link to document sections useful when designing long forms.

Other Control Tools

You can view the documentation for all tools available in the Online Form Designer by using the Table of Contents on the upper right corner of the page, or by clicking one of the links below.

Basic Controls: The most commonly-used form design tools.

 Input Controls: Controls that are commonly used to collect data, but are a bit less widely used than the basic controls.

Other Input Controls: Additional Input controls, consisting mainly of the different content picker controls.

Actions: These controls enable you to control form actions, like placing buttons, or choosing objects via a picker,

Other Controls: Controls that perform miscellaneous tasks like adding HTML content, or labels.

Responsive Layout: Controls that implement Bootstrap form layout objects.

Arrays: Controls that enable to you create and control arrays on the Form.

Attachments: Controls that enable you to add and show attachments, such as documents or images, to the Form.

Data List (v6.0.100 and higher): Controls that enable the display of tabular data on a Form.

Form Control Tags: System Variables used to add controls to a Form, instead of using the UI controls.