Users Page

Process Director users are created and managed from the Users page of the User Administration section.

Searching Users #

The Users page displays a list of users on the system.

Systems with a large number of users, i.e., more than 100, will see a search box at the upper left corner of the page to search for specific users via User ID. For Process Director v5.44.800 and higher, the search box will, when a value is entered, search all user attributes that are displayed in the User List, such as Group names, to return the matching users, as an improvement to this search feature.

Adding a New User #

This section describes how to add users to Process Director using built-in user accounts. This isn't required for users that are created by Windows SSO, synchronization with your LDAP server, or an external authentication system (SAML).

For built-in users, a User ID and password must be added to the Process Director database before a login can occur. When a user is configured in the Process Director database, additional information such as the user’s email address and alias can be configured.

On the Users page of the IT Admin area's User Administration section, click on the Create User link. This will prompt you to enter a User ID for the new user. Please Note: This will create a built-in user, not a Windows user.

Create User Screen

This screen enables you to specify the new user to add to the Users list.

Enter the user’s User ID and Password. You can force the user to change his password upon login. Click OK when done. After you create the user, you can click on the “Edit” link next to the user’s name and configure it further.

The User ID will also serve as the user’s login user name for Process Director. BP Logix highly recommends that administrators ensure that User ID’s are unique to each user. This may not be possible, however, when using SAML authentication for existing users where duplicate user names exist. In this case the SAML authentication must send a unique GUID or identifier for the users. There is a variable in the custom vars file called fAuthSAMLAllowDuplicateUserIDs that must be set to “true” to allow this behavior.

Important In many cases, Process Director will return a comma-separated list of users. Since the users are identified by UserName, we strongly recommend that your users names do not include commas as part of the user name.

User Properties #

For Process Director v6.1.200 and higher, the User ID, User Name, and Email Address properties can only be edited by clicking the Modify... button adjacent to each property to activate it. This feature was implemented to prevent password managers, like LastPass, from inadvertently altering the values in their property fields.

To set the user’s account properties, click on the Edit hotlink in the user's row of the user list. The Edit User configuration will display, with the User ID and User Name fields already configured. You may configure the remaining user properties.