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Task Custom Variables
Custom variables in this section of the documentation can be used to customize a variety of settings associated with user tasks.

When this flag is set to true, forms will attempt to associate with a task when opened. If this is left as the default (false), forms will only associate with a task when opened from a task list Knowledge View.
public override void SetSystemVars(BPLogix.WorkflowDirector.SDK.bp bp)
bp.Vars.AlwaysFindTaskForForms = true;

If this system variable is set to false, cancelling a process or process task won't cancel their associated sub-processes.
public override void SetSystemVars(BPLogix.WorkflowDirector.SDK.bp bp)
// Cancellations of tasks or processes won't cancel sub-
// processes
bp.Vars.fCancelSubWorkflows = false;

When a user who is participating in a running task delegates to another user who is already running in the same step/activity, the original user is canceled and the delegated user is left running. When undelegating, this system variable, when set to "true", will allow the original user's to be restarted if that step/activity is still running for the delegated user. More information about how this variable affects user delegation is available in the User Delegation topic of the System Administrator's Guide.
This variable should be set in the PreSetSystemVars() function of the customization file.
public override void PreSetSystemVars(BPLogix.WorkflowDirector.SDK.bp bp)
// Original user will be restarted when the delegation is removed
// from a running task.
bp.Vars.fEnableUndelegationRestart = true;

This system variable, when set to "false", enables you to prevent the standard task assignment email notification from being sent to users who are invited to a task using the email invite feature. The default value for this variable is "true".
public override void SetSystemVars(BPLogix.WorkflowDirector.SDK.bp bp)
// Prevent assignment emails from being sent to invited task assignees
bp.Vars.fForceInviteEmail = false;

When set to true, this option prevents users from completing a task if they've checked out a document while working on that task, and haven't yet checked it in.
public override void SetSystemVars(BPLogix.WorkflowDirector.SDK.bp bp)
// Prevents user from completing a task
// if he performed a check out on a
// document and hasn't checked it in
bp.Vars.fPreventTaskCompleteIfCheckout = true;

When set to true, This variable will force an email to be sent when a user is added to a running step/activity by an administrator. The default value is false.
public override void SetSystemVars(BPLogix.WorkflowDirector.SDK.bp bp)
// Send an email on administrative user additions to a task
bp.Vars.fSendEmailOnWfAdmin = true;

This option, when set to "true" will display the task result in the routing slip when the task is completed by an automated or external process. When a task’s “Completed When” condition is "When Any Result Condition is Met" and a non-user result condition is met, (such as a check box being checked), the result of that automated or external process is shown in the routing slip. By default, this variable is set to "false".
When an activity is configured to complete when "All Users Complete or Result Condition Met", this variable will show the activity status associated with each of the users that were not needed.
This variable should be set in the PreSetSystemVars() function of the customization file.
public override void PreSetSystemVars(BPLogix.WorkflowDirector.SDK.bp bp)
// Users marked as "not Needed" will display in the Routing Slip
bp.Vars.fShowResultOnNotNeeded = true;

This option, when set to "true" will automatically add users to a running instance of a process task when the users are added to the group assigned to the task. The default setting for this custom variable is "false".
This variable should be set in the PreSetSystemVars() function of the customization file.
public override void PreSetSystemVars(BPLogix.WorkflowDirector.SDK.bp bp)
// New group users will automatically be added to running tasks
bp.Vars.fStartUsersAddedToGroup = true;

This variable enables you to configure the message displayed in the alert box that will display when the user tries to open a task that has already been completed. Set to “” if you don't want the alert to display at all.
public override void SetSystemVars(BPLogix.WorkflowDirector.SDK.bp bp)
bp.Vars.TaskAlreadyCompleteAlert = ""; //Alert won't display

This variable enables you to configure a text message displayed on the page that will be displayed when the user tries to open a task that has already been completed. This only applies when the page to which the user is directed resides in Process Director. Set to “” if you don't want the message to display at all.
public override void SetSystemVars(BPLogix.WorkflowDirector.SDK.bp bp)
bp.Vars.TaskAlreadyCompleteMessage = ""; //Message won't display

This variable enables you to configure which page is displayed when the user tries to open a task that is already complete. You can set this variable to an HTML link of the page you wish displayed. By default, the home page is displayed. You can set the variable to "null" will display the process instance page. You can also specify that Process Director shows the Form associated with the task by setting the variable to "form.aspx".
public override void SetSystemVars(BPLogix.WorkflowDirector.SDK.bp bp)
// Displays process instance page
// To display the Form associated with the task use:
// bp.Vars.TaskAlreadyCompletePage = "form.aspx";
bp.Vars.TaskAlreadyCompletePage = null;

This variable enables you to add an option to the reminder dropdown in a Timeline Activity that will remind the user he has been assigned that activity a given number of seconds after it has been assigned to him.
public override void SetSystemVars(BPLogix.WorkflowDirector.SDK.bp bp)
// Add a new reminder time
bp.Vars.TaskAssignedReminderTimes.Add(new TimeValue(1 * (10 * 60),
"Ten minutes after task is assigned.");

Task Due reminder Times are times that reminders should be sent after a task's due date has passed. In the example below, the reminder times add additional reminder options to the standard list, and once added, will also appear in the dropdown control as selectable options.
public override void SetSystemVars(BPLogix.WorkflowDirector.SDK.bp bp)
bp.Vars.TaskDueReminderTimes.Add(new TimeValue(-1 * (24 * (60 * 60)),
"Every 1 day after task is due"));
bp.Vars.TaskDueReminderTimes.Add(new TimeValue(-2 * (24 * (60 * 60)),
"Every 2 days after task is due"));
bp.Vars.TaskDueReminderTimes.Add(new TimeValue(-3 * (24 * (60 * 60)),
"Every 3 days after task is due"));
bp.Vars.TaskDueReminderTimes.Add(new TimeValue(1 * (10 * 60),
"Ten minutes after task is due.");
bp.Vars.TaskDueReminderTimes.Add(new TimeValue(-1 * (10 * 60),
"Every ten minutes after task is due.");
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