
A workspace defines the appearance and content on a user’s homepage (similar to a portal). A workspace lets you configure multiple ways to display your Process Director Homepage.  A default workspace consists of a Top Navigation and Homepage Windows which displays the content you want.  You can Create, Edit and Delete a workspace in the list displayed.  Once you have created a workspace you'll assign users and/or groups to that workspace. If a user is assigned to more than 1 workspace, additional tabs will be available on the homepage that displays the list of workspaces to which they are assigned.

Note For Process Director v4.5 and higher, an additional user interface for the Workspace, the Desktop Interface, is also provided. Please see the Desktop Interface topic of the Implementer's Guide for more information about this feature, and its differences from the default Workspace. Some Workspace properties are only relevant top the Desktop interface.

Creating Workspaces

To add a new workspace, create it by clicking on the Create Workspace Actions Link, which will open the configuration screen for the new workspace.

The workspace configuration screen is composed of two separate sections. The top section contains the workspace options.

The bottom section of the workspace configuration screen contains a tabbed interface, containing tabs to configure the Top Navigation Buttons, the Home Page Windows, and the Advanced Options.

Workspace Options

To configure a new workspace, edit the following options:

Assigning Users

Clicking on the Assign Users button will open the User Selector dialog box, which enables you to select users to assign to the workspace.

To assign a user, or users, to the workspace. Select the user(s) in the Users in System list box by clicking on them with your mouse. To select multiple contiguous users, you can press and hold the right mouse button while dragging the mouse over the list of users. To select multiple non-contiguous users from the list, press and hold the [CTRL] key on a Windows PC or the [COMMAND] key on a Macintosh PC while clicking on the individual users you wish to select. Once the users are highlighted, add them to the Users in Workspace list box by clicking the Add button.

To remove users from the Users in Workspace list box, select the users you wish to remove from the list box, and click the Remove button.

Assigning Groups

Clicking on the Assign Groups button will open the Group Selector dialog box, which enables you to select groups to assign to the workspace. This functionality works just like the Assign Users functionality.

Top Navigation Buttons #

Specify the navigation buttons to display at the top of the Homepage. Specify the type of button, the name of the button and optional icon, and if any, the additional configuration for the button. You can also specify the tooltip that displays when the user mouses over the button, as well as in what order the button appears in the navigation bar.

Important For Process Director v6.1.0 and higher, many of the available Workspace navigation button types are already built into the product UI. Items such as IT Admin, Logout, Content List, Meta Data Admin, etc., are now permanently displayed in the UI for users with the appropriate permissions. These items will no longer be displayed as Navigation buttons in the Workspace. This change will enable you to use the available space for custom items, rather than having to configure navigation buttons for items that are already displayed to the user by default.

Process Director v6.1.0 UI Changes

For Process Director v6.1.0 and higher, navigation buttons for items that are built directly into the new Navigator UI no longer appear in the Workspace Navigation Bar. In previous versions, access to the IT Admin area, Meta Data Admin, etc., were provided as Navigation Bar items, since they were not included in the main product UI. With the Navigator UI, these items can be accessed directly via the product UI, so there's no need to include them in your Workspace navigation scheme any more. Removing built-in UI items from the Workspace Navigation Bar frees up screen space to add additional custom items of your own. This change enables you build truly custom Workspace navigation schemes without worrying about needing to include standard UI items in the Workspace.

Upgrading to v6.1.0 will not change the Workspace configuration, and these built-in items, if included in the Workspace configuration will still appear in the Top Navigation Buttons tab of the Workspace configuration screen. They just won't display in the Workspace Navigation Bar for end users.

Home Page Windows #

Specify the Homepage Windows by selecting the window template and associate a type for each window.  Each line will correspond with the window number. Each window can be defined to display different content.

When multiple portlets are displayed in a workspace, each portlet is divided by splitter bars. The user can manually drag and drop the splitter bars to new positions to resize the portlets. Additionally, the splitter bars will show on mobile devices with thicker bars to allows resizing the bars easier on touchscreens. The width of the splitter bar can be customized using the SplitterWidth custom variable.

The first selection you can make is the desired page layout. The row of radio buttons illustrate the number and arrangement of the portlets that will appear on the page. A portlet is a window on a page inside of which is displayed a Content List item, such as a report, Form, report, etc. You can select to display up to four portlets on the home page in a variety of arrangements, each of which is illustrated by a small sample page diagram.

Below the selection for the layout of the portlets, a list of Portlet configuration controls will appear, based on the layout you select.

Note When using the Desktop interface for a Workspace, ALL navigation buttons and portlets can be customized by the end user as Workspace windows, and the configuration desired by the end user can be saved as their default layout. Please see the Desktop Workspace topic for more information about how end users see and can customize the Desktop Workspace.

Advanced Options

Specify the advanced options.  A specific logo and link can be selected for this profile.

Direct URL Access to a Workspace

Hotlinks can be used to directly access a specific workspace on the system. To access a workspace directly via a URL, use the following syntax in the address bar of your browser:


Where server_name is the host where Process Director is installed and profile_name is the name of the workspace. A user must be a member of the workspace for the page to be displayed.


Continue to the documentation for the Partitions page.