Creating Workflow Definitions

Important The Workflow object is the legacy process model used in early versions of Process Director. BP Logix recommends the use of the Process Timeline object, and not the Workflow object. The Workflow object remains in the product for backwards compatibility, but doesn't receive any new functionality updates, other than required bug fixes. No new features have been added to this object since Process Director v4.5. All new process-based functionality is solely added to the Process Timeline.

Workflow definitions can be created and modified by the business users. Click the Content List tab in the Process Director navigation bar to view the Content List. You must have Modify permission in the folder you are viewing to be able to create a new Workflow definition. Use the Create New menu item and select Workflow Definition from the list.

Workflow definitions can be stored anywhere in the Content List, under any folder structure.

Workflow Settings #

To configure the Workflow definition settings, click on the Settings icon in when viewing the Workflow definition. This will display a dialog that allows the Workflow information to be set.

Workflow Name and Description

The Workflow definition name and description are important because this is what a user will see when selecting a Workflow to run. The description should describe why and when this Workflow definition should be run.

Workflow Options

Advanced Options

Workflow Steps #

A Workflow is made up of a series of steps. Each step in a Workflow identifies the task to be performed and the users that should perform the task. Steps are run from the beginning (start step) and follow the branches (route). Steps can be easily added, moved and deleted from a Workflow definition and the route or path is defined using branches between steps.

Workflow Task Toolbar

The Workflow builder has a toolbar displayed on the left side of the screen. This contains all of the Workflow tasks available to you. Each task type identifies the type of Workflow function to be performed for this step and provides the participating users with different capabilities. Tasks are grouped in the toolbars (e.g. Built-In Tasks). To view tasks in the different groups click on the group name (e.g. Other Tasks). To use a task, click on the icon, drag it to the right and drop it on the Workflow palette.

The built-in Workflow tasks are in the Built-in Tasks groups in the toolbar. If any Custom Tasks are installed, they'll appear as new groups in the toolbar. The group names are the folder names where the Custom Task is installed in the Content List.

Branch Steps (the route)

To define the route that the Workflow will take, you must connect the steps. This is done by using the Branch in the Built-in Tasks group. To branch two steps together, click on the Branch in the toolbar. Then click on a step in the Workflow and drag it to the step you want to branch to, lifting the mouse over that step. This will draw a line between the two steps showing the direction of the flow.

To delete the line (branch), right click on the handle in the line (displayed as a circle in the middle of the line), then select "Delete" from the pop-up menu.

When using the Branch task you can branch from a step to multiple steps which allow you more flexibility with your process.  Each branch that is created has branch settings. Right click on the handle in the line and select Properties.

Branch Settings

Branches in a Workflow can have the following information associated with them.

Branch Conditions

A branch in the Workflow can have conditions assigned to it. This provides the flexibility to conditionally route a Workflow based on information from the Workflow process (Form, references, user, etc.).

Branch Options

Each branch has its own options. You can configure them by clicking on the Options tab.

Built-in Task Settings

These settings are included in all task types. To configure a step in the Workflow, right click on the step and choose the Properties menu item, or double click on the icon.  All steps in a Workflow definition will have the following information associated with them.