Knowledge View Definitions

A Knowledge View definition identifies what type of Content List objects will be returned, and how a user will navigate through them. The sample Knowledge View definitions that are created during installation are stored in a folder named [Knowledge Views], which is located in the Partition root folder. Knowledge View definitions can be stored anywhere in the Content List, under any folder structure.

To create a new Knowledge View, navigate to the folder into which you wish the Knowledge View to be created, then select the Create New dropdown and choose the Knowledge View menu entry.

To configure or view the properties of an existing Knowledge View, find the object in the Content List, then click on its name, or click the check box next to the name and select the Properties hotlink.

Each Knowledge View definition contains several configurable tabs.

Properties Tab #

The Properties tab defines the basic properties of the Knowledge View, and the objects you wish to associate with it.

Configure Tab #

Additional configuration options are available in the Configure tab.

Options Tab #

The Options tab defines the object types the Knowledge View will return, and determines which user interface controls or icons will be available to the user. Providing these controls will give the end user additional actions to enhance reporting and provide more control of objects in Process Director. These controls are used throughout the system (e.g. Task List, Content List, etc.).

The options available on this tab are dependent upon the Knowledge View Type you select on the Configure tab, i.e., Content List, Task List, or Items I can Run.

Content List Knowledge View Options

The Content List Knowledge View Type can return all Content List items. This type requires the user to have Read permissions on the objects that are returned. Most Knowledge Views will be of this type.

Content List Knowledge Views have the following options.

For users of Process Director v5.08 and higher, new functionality enables Knowledge Views that return documents to also return the form context for the form used to upload the document. With this context, the Knowledge View can return Form field data from the in-context forms.

Task List Knowledge View Options

The Task List Knowledge View Type will only display actionable items for the current user. Using this type will allow the system to dynamically refresh the Task List to allow items to be added, updated, or removed.

Task List Knowledge Views also incorporate the same Perform this action when entry clicked settings as the Content List Knowledge View type, as described above.

Items I Can Run Knowledge View Options

The Items I Can Run Knowledge View Type will only display definitions that can be run or submitted by users with Run permission on the objects returned. 

Columns Tab #

The Columns tab defines the columns to display in the Knowledge View. The column data can include form fields, process data, Meta Data, or various object properties. The order of the columns can be changed using the up arrow and down arrow   to the right of the column. Columns can be removed using the icon.

The sort order can be configured in the Knowledge View; however the end user can override this be clicking on the column names in the Knowledge View's display. The sort order is not used when exporting the results to a CSV or an Excel Report, it is only used when the results are displayed in the browser.

Filter Tab #

The Filter tab identifies filter criteria that enables you to restrict the records the Knowledge View returns to those that meet specific filter criteria. The primary use for the Filter tab is to create searches for specific data that may be contained in a large set of records. The filter criteria can include form field data, categories, attribute values, or various object properties (e.g. author, document type, published). The filter criteria can identify what document versions to display – the latest document version or only the published version.

The end user can optionally be given the ability to override any of the filter values. This capability enables the field name and the input box to be displayed on the running Knowledge View so the user can input the additional filter information.

Important Filters that use an encrypted Form field in the filter condition will NOT return the expected values! Knowledge View filters operate at the database level, and thus do not decrypt the field prior to filtering.

Complex Filter Considerations

In general, when creating filters, you should bear in mind the type of object the Knowledge View returns. For instance, if the Knowledge View returns Form instances, filters work best when filtering on Form data. Conversely, trying to filter Form instances based on data stored in other objects, like Process Timelines, may return unexpected results. For instance, if a Form is used in more than one Process Timeline, and you try to filter the Form instances based on Timeline data, Process Director will evaluate whether the any Timeline associated with the Form meets the filter criterion you've designated. In that case, the Knowledge View may return multiple rows that contain the same Form instance, because more than one process meets the criteria.

For a Form associated with multiple processes, when the Form is returned by a Knowledge View, additional logic runs in the background of the Knowledge View to associate the Form with the process that started first, in addition to any running processes. This logic, when considering what to return in the Knowledge View, makes the following decisions about which Form to return in the Knowledge View:

  • If the form is affiliated with a single running process, always use that process.
  • If the form is affiliated with more than one running processes, use the oldest.
  • If the form is affiliated with no running processes, but is affiliated with completed processes, use the oldest.

This decision tree ensures that, when returning the possible Form Instances, Forms that are associated with a running process are always displayed.

Filtering applied to array fields is complex as well. When Process Director returns values from an array, it returns all of the values in each column as a comma-separated list. If you apply a filter to an array field, and any value in the array column matches the filter, then the Knowledge View will count the filter condition as being met. The filter doesn't parse every row in the array, and make an individual "match' decision for each row.

Moreover, when you return Form instances that are filtered on an array, Process Director will return a Form Instance for each row in the array. In other words, if your Knowledge View returns Form instances, and a Form has three rows in the array you're attempting to filter, then three copies of the Form instance will be returned. As a result, filtering on an array often requires custom Knowledge View scripting to parse the array and filter each row individually. Additionally, users of the Advanced Reporting Component could use that component to perform the filtering, and present the filtered results in a Report, instead of using a Knowledge View.

A more comprehensive look at array conditions is presented in the Using Arrays in Conditions section of the Condition Builder topic.

Calendar Tab #

The Calendar Tab enables users to view date-based Knowledge View results in a calendar interface. This is useful for viewing the duration of an Activity or Process Timeline, for example.

In order for the Calendar view to work properly you need to supply the Calendar interface with Knowledge View columns that supply the name you'd like to display in the calendar entry, the start date, and the end date for the calendar item. The following properties are configurable.

Once the values have been supplied, the Calendar view will appear similar to the example below.

Knowledge View Execution History #

The Knowledge View Execution History tab enables you to see a list of executions that specify when a Knowledge View that invokes a process was run.

Most Knowledge Views do not display an execution history. Knowledge views that simply return data don't execute anything. They merely display a list of records when run.

Knowledge views that start a process, on the other hand, do perform executions, and this tab enables you to track all of the instances in which the Knowledge View ran, and the results of each execution cycle.

Documentation Example #

The software simulation example below demonstrates how to create a generic Knowledge View to perform a search for Content List objects.

More Information

Continue to the Knowledge View Exporting and Reporting topic for more information.