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Implementation Samples
BP Logix Provides a number of implementation samples that illustrate how to perform a variety of tasks in Process Director. The XML file containing the most recent samples collection can be found on the Downloads page of the BP Logix Support web site. Simply download this XML file, then import it to the root folder of the desired Partition of your Content List in Process Director to create a new [Samples] folder.
All of the currently available samples are described below. The [Samples] folder organizes the sample files in a directory structure.
[Sample Datasources] Folder
This folder contains the Datasource objects that are used by all of the sample projects included in the Samples package.
Case Management Folder
Case Management
A sample auto insurance claims sample that illustrates the Case Management functionality of Process Director.
Charting Folder
A sample chart the retrieves data from an external Datasource, and displays it as a Bar chart.
Data Folder
The samples in this folder demonstrate how to use data from external sources in process Director.
Excel Import
This sample demonstrates how to import data from a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet for use in Process Director. The Excel data is imported into the Process Director internal database, and is automatically re-imported every time the Excel file is checked in after editing.
REST Web Services
This sample demonstrates how to use a REST web service. In this sample, the REST service takes a Zip Code or Postal Code and returns the correct city, state/province, and country, which it uses to populate the appropriate Form Fields.
Forms Folder
This folder contains samples that demonstrate various Form operations.
This sample demonstrates the use of calculations by inserting a control or system variable to calculate a specified formula. These calculations can be used inside an array to calculate rows and sum columns, as well as outside an array to calculate form field values.
Copy Array
This sample copies the values in an array from an original form to a destination form.
DB Connectors
This sample demonstrates two methods of filling dropdowns and fields with data from an external database. The first—and preferred—method is to use Business Values. The second method is to use the Fill From DB Custom Tasks.
Form Element Styles
An example of how to conditionally apply built-in styles to form elements.
Email Template
This sample demonstrates custom email templates that can be used for process notifications. This template can be used to customize email notifications.
Fill 2 Dropdowns in an Array from External Database
The sample demonstrates how to fill dropdowns within an array from data in an external database.
Fill Selected Items
This sample demonstrates how to populate a List box from a Business Value, then mark ListBox items as selected (checked) based on a second Business Value.
Form Attachments Handling
This sample demonstrates how to attach documents, Forms, or copy buffer items (items from your clipboard). Attachments can be displayed on the form or as a downloadable link.
Form Conditions
This sample contains Forms conditions that allow you to Show/Hide elements on a form and to Enable/Disable form fields.
Form Tabs
This sample shows the use of tabs in a Form user interface.
Repeating Lists (Arrays)
The Form builder supports the creation of repeatable and dynamic input fields known as an array, typically used for a list of items. An “array” tag surrounds a group of information or input fields on the Form, allowing for the dynamic display of fields when the Form is displayed to the user. The number of rows in an array can be increased or decreased as needed using an array control.
Show Form Sections Conditionally with Business Rules
This sample demonstrate how to show or hide sections or embedded sections, based on the result of a Business Rule.
A sample implementation of the form field validation logic used in Process Director.
Word Export
This sample demonstrates how to export data from Form fields into a Word template.
Knowledge Views Folder
This folder contains samples that demonstrate the use of Knowledge Views.
Email KView Results as CSV
This sample shows how to export the contents of a Knowledge View to a CSV file, attach the exported CSV file to a template-based email, then send the email as a notification.
Knowledge View Process Report Samples
This sample demonstrates how a Knowledge View can be used to report on Process Timeline activities.
View Knowledge View in Form
This sample demonstrates how to display a Knowledge View in a Form.
Mobile Folder
This folder contains samples that demonstrate how Process Director can be used with mobile devices.
Mobile Device Sample
This sample shows how to capture a picture and geo-coordinates from a mobile device, and display the location on Google maps.
PDF Folder
Add an Image to a PDF
This sample takes an image generated through the Signature control and places it into a PDF document.
Export PDF
This sample demonstrates the use of a Custom Task to export Form fields, attachments and the Form itself to generate to a PDF. This sample will allow you to attach a document to the Form and export it as a PDF in the process, as well as displaying it on the form.
Using PDF Templates
This sample uses two kinds of PDF generation: it will create a PDF of the Form, or insert Form information into an existing PDF template.
Process Folder
This folder contains samples that demonstrates various process actions.
Timeline Conditions
The sample demonstrates conditional routing, enabling you to route a process based on a specific condition defined in the Timeline.
Scripting Folder
This folder contains samples of custom scripts.
Attachment Restrictions
This sample demonstrates a script that looks at the file attachments in a Form, and rejects the file if the file isn't a PDF file, or the file name doesn't meet some naming criteria.
Sample Form Scripting
This sample will use various APIs from Process Director that demonstrate how to get and set a value of a form field, and the use of the current user API.
Sample Knowledge View Script
This sample uses a Knowledge View script to query and change the value of a column in the data returned in this Knowledge View.
Using a script in a Form
A sample designed to instruct the user on how to insert a simple script in a form.
Using JavaScript in a Form
A sample showing how client side JavaScript can be used to format data in form fields (e.g. uppercase text box input).
Tasks Folder
This folder contains samples of various task assignment methods.
Assign a Task From a Business Rule
This sample demonstrates how to assign a task to a user from a Business Rule.
Delegation from Date Range
This sample demonstrates how to delegate your tasks to a user during a specific date range.
Dynamic User Assignment from Form
This sample demonstrates how to dynamically assign one or more users to a process step. The Form will contain a user picker for the initiator to select a user to be assigned via the process step.
Serial Assignment
You can assign multiple persons to complete a single step in a process. For example, this ability may be useful to run through an approval process in a single step, rather than creating multiple activities in a Process Timeline. This is especially true if the number of people involved in the process can vary.
Documentation Feedback and Questions
If you notice some way that this document can be improved, we're happy to hear your suggestions. Similarly, if you can't find an answer you're looking for, ask it via feedback. Simply click on the button below to provide us with your feedback or ask a question. Please remember, though, that not every issue can be addressed through documentation. So, if you have a specific technical issue with Process Director, please open a support ticket.