Dashboard Widgets

The Dashboard object enables you to display a number of Widget objects as portlets in the Dashboard. Each type of widgets has a set of properties, some of which are specific to that widget. The various Widgets and their configurable properties, are described below.

Text #

The Text widget enables you to place arbitrary HTML-formatted text into a widget.

The bottom portion of the Widget Properties box contains a rich-text editor into which you can type and format the text you wish to display in the widget.


This widget enables you to enter custom HTML to display in the widget.


This widget displays the web page that appears at the URL you specify.

Chart #

This widget will display a Process Director Chart object.

KView #

This widget will display a Process Director Knowledge View object.

Global KView #

This widget will display a Process Director Global Knowledge View object.

Form #

This widget will display a Process Director Form as a new form instance.

Form Instance #

This widget will display the most recent form instance of a selected Form Definition.

Report #

This widget will display a selected Process Director Report.

Document #

This widget enables you to display a document from the Content List.

Image #

This widget enables you to display an image from a URL, or that is contained in the Content List.

Button #

This Widget will display a configurable button on the dashboard.

Clock #

This widget will display an analog clock, with a sweep second hand, and configurable text that displays in the bottom portion of the clock face.

Activity Journal #

For Process Director v5.0 and higher, the Activity journal enables you to display Milestones and threaded discussions in a Dashboard.

The Journal widget has the following configuration options available: