Related Topics
ProcessTask Class
This object represents a Process Task.
The ProcessTask Class is the base class for the WorkflowStep and ProjectActivity classes. It implements the following properties.
PROCID | String | The ID of the process |
ID | String | The ID of the current Process Task |
TASKID | String | The ID of the Process Task |
Name | String | The name of the Process Task |
Instructions | String | The instructions for users in this Process Task |
Description | String | The description of this Process Task |
PROCINSTID | String | The ID of the process instance |
TASKINSTID | String | The ID of the Process Task instance |
ProcessInstance | Process Instance Object | The Process class for the Process Task |
Users | List Object | The list of ProcessTaskUser representing the users in this Process Task, returned as List<Users> |
Status | Integer | The status of the step, specified in the nStatus field of tblProjectInstance. Please see the table definition of tblProjectInstance for status codes. |
ReAuthenticate | Boolean | Boolean indicating whether reauthorization is required for this process task. |
Start | DateTime | The time the Timeline Activity started |
End | DateTime | The time the Timeline Activity ended |
Due | DateTime | The time the Timeline Activity is due |
ShowSignatureComments | Boolean | Boolean indicating whether signature comments are required to complete this process task. |
AllowEmailComplete | Boolean | Boolean indicating whether this process task can be completed by email |
BaseForm | For Object | The base Form used by this Process Task |
InstID | String | The ID of the Process Task instance |
EndReason | Integer | The reason the Process task was terminated. Please see the Classes topic for a list of termination reasons and their associated integer code. |
Duration | Timespan | The duration of the Process task |
Results | List Object | Returns a List object containing the Process task results, returned as a List<String> |

This API will add users to a Process Task. This method can be declared using the following overloads:
public bool AddUsersToTask(params User[] pUsers)
public bool AddUsersToTask(IEnumerable<User> pUsers)
public bool AddUsersToTask(string pUIDList)
pUsers: A list of IEnumerable<User> or params objects to add.
pUIDList: A string of UIDs to add (separated by commas).
Boolean: True if the operation succeeds.
// Add the process initiator to the current Process Step
bool bAddUsers =

This API will set the message property of the Process Task.
CancelUID: A string containing the UID of the user for whom to cancel the Process Task.
CancelComments: An string value containing the cancellation comments.
Boolean: True if the operation succeeds.
// Set the message of the Process Task
bool bCancel = CurrentProcessTask.CancelTask("USERUID",
"This is unnecessary");

This API will get a Process Task instance object from the specified ID.
BP: The bp environment.
TASKINSTID: The ID of the Process Task instance to retrieve.
ProcessTask: Will return null if Process Task isn't found.
// Normally not used directly
var oTaskInst = ProcessTask.GetProcessTaskByTASKINSTID( bp, "TASKINSTID" );

This API will get a Process Task definition object from the specified ID.
BP: The bp environment.
TASKID: The ID of the Process Task to retrieve.
ProcessTask: Will return null if Process Task isn't found.
// Normally not used directly
var oTaskDef = ProcessTask.GetProcessTaskByTASKID( bp, "TASKID" );

This API will return a list of Process Tasks for a specified process when given a Process ID as a parameter.
BP: The BP Logix environment.
pRID: The Process ID of the Process to retrieve.
List<ProcessTask>: A list object of the Tasks in the specified Process, or null if not found.
// Normally not used directly
var oTasks = ProcessTask.GetProcessTasksByPRID( bp, "PRID" );

This API will get a Process Task object from the specified Name.
BP: The BP Logix environment.
Process: The Process object.
TaskName: The name of the Task to get.
ProcessTask: Will return null if Process Task isn't found.
var oObject = Project.GetProcessByID(bp, "PRID" );
var oTask =
ProcessTask.GetTaskByName( bp, oObject , "Approve Doc" );

This API will remove users from a process task. This is an overloaded method with the following possible declarations:
public bool RemoveUsersFromTask(params User[] pUsers)
public bool RemoveUsersFromTask(IEnumerable<User> pUsers)
public bool RemoveUsersFromTask(string pUIDList)
pUsers: A list of IEnumerable<User> or params objects to add.
UIDList: A string of UIDs to add (separated by commas).
Boolean: True if operation succeeds.
// Remove the process initiator from the current Activity

This API will resend the task email to all task users.
UIDAdmin: Optional string parameter of the user you want to associate with the resend in the audit logs.
Comments: The optional string comments for a completed task.
ProcessTask: The ProcessTask object or null if the operation fails.
ProcessTask.ResendTaskEmails("UIDAdmin", "Comments");

This API will restart a specified task. This is an overloaded method with the following possible declarations:
public bool Restart()
public bool Restart(string UID, string Comments)
UID: The UID string value of the user for whom the task should be restarted.Comments: A string containing comments to append to the task that is restarted.
Returns 'true" if the operation succeeds.
// Restart the Process Task
bool bRestart = CurrentProcessTask.Restart();

This API will set the Duration of a Timeline-based Process Task.
SECONDS: The number of seconds to set the duration to. Set to 0 to have the system automatically calculate the duration.
Boolean: True if the operation succeeds.
// Set duration of current Activity

This API will set the message property of the Process Task. This is an overloaded method with the following possible declarations:
public bool SetError(string pFormat, params object[] pParams)
public bool SetError(string strError, bool prepend)
pFormat: A format string for the error message.
pParams: An params object containing a list of message parameters.
strError: A string value containing the error message to apply to the Process Task.
Prepend: A Boolean value signifying whether the error message should be prepended to an existing message, or replace the existing message.
Boolean: True if the operation succeeds.
// Set the error message to display
bool bError = CurrentProcessTask.SetError("Error Message", true);

This API will set the message property of the Process Task. This is an overloaded method with the following possible declarations:
public bool SetMessage(string pFormat, params object[] pParams)
public bool SetMessage(string strMessage, bool prepend)
pFormat: A formatting string.
pParams: A paramsobject containing a list of message parameters.
strMessage: A string value containing the message to apply to the Process Task.
Prepend: A Boolean value determining whether the message should be prepended to an existing message, or replace the existing message.
Boolean: True if the operation succeeds.
// Set the message of the Process Task
bool bMessage = CurrentProcessTask.SetMessage("Message text", true);
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